Coming JUNE 3!

Check back on June 3rd when the first of many posts will be shared.
But don’t come here, go straight to

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For those that took the time to wander over here & see this non-post, you get to be the first to know what Story Saturday will hold for the first little bit:

A “choose your own adventure”/audience participation story that I will write based on YOUR comments & suggestions!
My first post (June 3) will have the short beginning to a story, then I will pose a few questions, but also leave it open to any other input you feel may help the story along.
After a week of comments I will be take the feedback & write the next short section of the story & once again, post it 2 weeks after the initial post, and open it up for comments & suggestions!
This process will continue until I feel the story comes to a good, natural ending place that as many of you, my readers, can hopefully enjoy.

Other topics to be explored are music, travel & adventure, stories/memories from my life (want to hear about all my dog bite incidents?), random thoughts, things I like (endorsements, one might say), fitness & health, and inspirations deriving from my faith.


Can’t wait for you all to meet me!


Ré Davis

#WhoIsRéDavis <— come back to REALLY find out!